Monroe County Family Lawyers Aggressively Pursuing Favorable Resolutions to Legal Disputes
Men should have someone in their corner during a family law dispute. At American Divorce Association for Men (ADAM), we are proud to offer legal guidance, advice, and representation to men who are dealing with various family law issues, including:
- Divorce
- Child Support
- Child Custody
- Division of Property
Our attorneys understand the unique challenges that men face in family law cases. We are dedicated to helping men protect their rights and demand justice.
Divorce Lawyers in Monroe County Protecting Your Best Interests Throughout the Divorce Proceedings
Men often feel as if they are treated unfairly by the court system in divorce proceedings. Even though both parties are supposed to be treated equally, the family courts in Monroe County can leave men feeling as if they were not treated fairly. If you are in the process of getting divorced—or considering filing for divorce—it’s in your best interest to seek legal representation as soon as possible. We can help keep your case out of court in the first place.
The attorneys at ADAM exclusively represent men, so we understand the unique concerns and needs of husbands and fathers. We will create a custom strategy that is tailored to your unique situation. Our main priority is protecting your best interests, and we will work tirelessly to ensure we achieve this goal.
Attorneys Pursuing A Fair Child Support Agreement For Men in Monroe County
When parents are separating, a minor child in the state of Michigan is entitled to receive financial support from both of their parents. This becomes an issue if their parents are divorced or separated. The court protects this right by ordering non-custodial parents to make child support payments to custodial parents.
The amount of child support that is ordered will vary on a case-by-case basis. Some of the factors that could affect this amount include each parent’s income, the custody agreement, and the number of children involved in the case. It doesn’t matter whether you will be paying or receiving child support—you will need an attorney to represent you and protect your best interests. Look no further than the child support attorneys at ADAM.
Child Custody Attorneys Protecting the Rights of Fathers in Monroe County
There are several types of child custody, including:
- Legal custody: This refers to a parent’s right to make decisions in the child’s life related to healthcare, education, religion, and other important matters.
- Physical custody: This refers to where a child will live.
- Joint custody: This is also known as shared custody, and involves the parents sharing legal and/or physical custody of their children.
- Sole custody: A parent may be awarded sole legal and/or physical custody of the child under certain circumstances.
The attorneys at ADAM will work tirelessly to ensure the final terms of your child custody agreement are in your best interests. We know how important it is for you to preserve your relationship with your children. That’s why protecting this special bond is our main priority.
Property Division Attorneys Working Tirelessly to Reach the Best Possible Outcome in Your Case
There are several steps involved in the process of dividing property. First, the divorcing couple must identify all assets and debts and determine whether each asset and debt is marital or separate property. Next, the couple must determine the value of each asset and debt. The couple may not agree on the value of certain assets, such as businesses or collectibles. If there is a dispute over the value of an asset, this can complicate your case.
After the valuation is complete, the couple must decide how to divide their assets. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your spouse outside of the courtroom, the court will step in and make these decisions for you. Marital properties are subject to equitable division, so the judge can divide them in any manner that they believe is fair. Make sure you get your fair share of your marital assets by working with our aggressive property division attorneys in Monroe County.
Schedule A Free, No-Obligation Phone Consultation With Our Family Lawyers in Monroe County
The attorneys at ADAM are committed to helping men in Monroe County make it through the most challenging times of their lives. Our attorneys have decades of experience helping men in Monroe County resolve their family-related legal disputes. We use this extensive experience to help men in Monroe County reach the best possible outcomes in their cases. Contact our law firm at 248-356-2326 to learn more about your legal options and how we can help you achieve the best results possible in your case.